I have always loved art. I’ve dabbed in oil painting, acrylic, gouache, and most recently, watercolor. I love the fluidity of watercolor. I have also always loved handlettering, but I didn’t realize that it had a name until 2015. I’ve always doodled all over my notes at school and in meetings to help myself stay awake and focused.
I started spending more time working on handlettering near the beginning of 2016. I found out I was pregnant in March, and after my baby was born near the end of 2016, I quickly realized I needed a hobby. I picked back up with brush calligraphy and watercolor. Fast forward a few years and another baby, and here we are! I generally work on painting and orders during nap time and after bedtime.
My husband and I have two sons. I love being a mom and love spending time with my boys! They are so fun, and a little bit crazy. We have a dog who was our first baby. We rescued him from the humane society when he was 4. He’s a sweetheart! I love cooking and baking, traveling, spending time with family, doing puzzles, going on walks, trying new restaurants, and watching TV.
Why Black Currants?
When I was 4, my family lived in England for 6 months. Since that time, the taste and smell of black currant juice has been super nostalgic for me. I wanted a shop name that was unique and meaningful to me, so I settled on Black Currant Creative.